My Healing Work

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing works on the subtle energy body. We store trauma from our negative life experiences that can even go back into past lives. As a Shaman, I can track and find the source of these traumas and help you to release them. Releasing trauma frees up space in our lives to enter, explore and experience a more positive way of interacting with our internal and external experiences. Shamanic Healing removes the triggers that keep us on the ‘Wheel of Karma’, constantly attracting the same negative experiences that keep us in suffering.

Techniques I use in my Shamanic work are:


The illumination process works with the chakra system, drawing out heavy, trapped energy and replacing it with pure light.


Old wounds can become very dense and solidify in the energetic body. The extraction process removes the dense energy, which is very healing to the energetic and physical body. Negative energies can also attach to the energetic body, keeping us in fear and triggering us to act out the same trauma over and over again. These energies can be removed with the extraction process.

Cord Cutting

This process helps us to disconnect from unhealthy relationships. It is natural for us to exchange energy with others, but when it’s an unhealthy relationship, it drains our energy reserves and brings toxicity into our lives. Cutting these cords allows us to take our power back and move forward.

Soul Retrieval

Deep trauma can cause soul parts to disassociate from us. They get buried so deep into our subconscious that we cannot have access to them. During a Soul Retrieval, the lost part is brought back and re-installed into the energetic body. This process helps us to feel more whole and change our view of not only our own lives, but that of the outside world. (Note: A Soul Retrieval requires at least two extraction sessions before booking.)

Destiny Retrieval

This process helps to get us back on track and in our purpose. I track to find your ultimate future self and install it into the energetic body. (Note: A Destiny Retrieval requires several sessions before booking.)

Click here to book a Shamanic Session

Deep Compassion Work

This compassion modality is called, ‘The Compassion Key’. I trained with the founder ‘Edward Mannix’ and am now a Master and Circle Leader.

Deep Compassion Work addresses the wounded parts of ourselves that cause dysfunction in our lives. Tracking back in time and giving these wounded versions of ourselves the opportunity to be heard and given love and compassion is incredibly transformational.

This compassion work can address any problem, from child abuse, unhealthy relationships, and self-esteem issues to lack of money.

Click here to book a Compassion Key session (40% off your first session, see below)

Note: This link will take you to an external website. The Compassion Key is US-based and the fees are in US dollars. I offer a 40% discount on your first session. Please use the Coupon Code: ELIZABETH40 when booking.

Taungurung Country

As a steward of this land, I acknowledge the Taungurung people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which I work and live, and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.